A novel instrumentation for the detection of AOD composed of components and resistant materials perfectly combined with an intuitive and easy to use software.
The ZEN system is a new radiometer (ZEN-R52) that uses an innovative methodology for the detection of AOD (ZEN-LUT). The ZEN-LUT method is based on the comparison of zenith sky radiation (ZSR) measured with a look-up table (LUT) of Sky Radiation Calculations (ZSR).
The first version was jointly developed by Sieltec Canarias and IARC (Spain) aiming at obtaining AOD data from the radiation of the zenith of the sky at different wavelengths. It incorporates collimation lenses and internal deflectors to achieve a field of vision of -2º.
The measurements, made simultaneously in all its channels, are amplified and then processed. Inside the device there are internal sensors for humidity and temperature control.
The new methodology and obtained results have been published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (20 February 2017):
A new zenith-looking narrow-band radiometer-based system (ZEN) for dust aerosol optical depth monitoring
- Fernando Almansa1,2,4, Emilio Cuevas1, Benjamín Torres3, África Barreto1,2, Rosa D. García1,5, Victoria E. Cachorro4, Ángel M. de Frutos4, César López6, and Ramón Ramos1
1Izaña Atmospheric Research Center (IARC), Meteorological State Agency of Spain (AEMET), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 38001, Spain. 2Cimel Electronique, Paris, 75011, France. 3Laboratoire d’Optique Amosphérique, UMR8518, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France. 4Group of Atmospheric Optics, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, 47011, Spain. 5Air Liquide España, Delegación Canarias, Candelaria, 38509, Spain. 6Sieltec Canarias S.L., La Laguna, 38230, Spain
Published: 20 Feb 2017. https://www.atmos-meas-tech.net/10/565/2017/